2024 CCCC in Spokane, Washington

The 2024 Conference on College Composition and Communication (4Cs) in Spokane was yet another fantastic event for me. It was a pleasure to present my work and listen to people who shared my interests. On the one hand, sonic rhetoric is in my heart; on the other, environmental rhetoric is in my head. Both of these topics contribute to my professional development as a researcher.
In Spokane, I had the opportunity to participate in two panels, one as a chair and one as a presenter. On April 4, 2024, I chaired a panel on “Reclaiming Cultures of Gratitude: A Transdisciplinary Exploration of Human and Nonhuman Environmental Ecologies” with my friends Marissa Bond, Cheyanne Lozano, and Menuka Gurung. I presented my Sonic Autoethnography on a panel titled “Sonic Abundance: Methods of Amplifying Identity, Culture, and Community in Sound-Based Teaching and Research,” alongside Jose Manuel Flores, Desiree Sterling, and Elizabeth Escobedos, on April 6, 2024. Dr. Steph Ceraso was originally scheduled to chair the session, but due to health issues, she was unable to fly to Spokane. We missed her.
As a former awardee of the Scholars for the Dream Travel Award, I was so proud to be there at 4Cs to present my work. I feel empowered, energized, and more confident than last year. Scholars, my professors, colleagues, friends (new and old), and everyone I met at the convention were amazing. I am grateful to each and everyone. In addition to all these academic experiences, the natural beauty of Spokane is something I will always remember.